It frustrates some players how the final four chapters were made that way, although story-wise, it fits the tale very well. However, one major flaw in this game is that chapters 5–8 are very tedious and repetitive.

They follow the story well and the difficulty increases accordingly.

The sequencing of events in the first four chapters are pretty linear. The game provides quite a challenge to finish. No one strategy works for all bosses in this game. You would most usually adjust your jobs, abilities, equipment, strategy, and attack patterns to fit bosses. It won’t be unusual for you to try out a boss to find out it’s stats, attack paterns, and weaknesses, then voluntarily die just to have an idea how to kill it. In this game, it is not rare to die to a boss, even with an over-leveled team. It also won’t cater much to players who like to breeze through the game with uber-powerful characters mindlessly bashing away at the boss. It’s difficulty spikes randomly at some times, and would therefore demand usual constant grinding to reach the recommended levels. Not the overly-impossible-to-play-hard, but it’s harder than your average RPG. On the subject of difficulty, Bravely Default is pretty hard.